The differences between neon strip and flexible strip light

Release time: 2023.12.18
Compared to the glass neon tube, the LED soft lights are the following advantages:
1. The bottom voltage, small power consumption, because its light source is LED, so even if 24V, it can work normally. Its consumption power is 4.7W/m (red, yellow, orange), 6.6W/m (6.6W/m ( Green, blue, white).
2. High brightness, the light source uses imported high brightness LEDs in series. The encryption arrangement per meter or 90LED is the fundamental guarantee for the overall lighting effect and high brightness.
3. Longevity and durability: On the basis of LED technology, a new structure enables this lamp to reach 60,000 hours of ultra -long service life under any circumstances. Compared to the glass neon light belt, the durability is not doubtful, because the glass neon lights need to be considered at all. Broken problem (PVC plastic lamp body)
4. Energy saving: The cost of energy consumption for energy saving more than 80 % of the energy -saving band can save energy consumption. The power consumption of glass neon lights is 5-8 times that of flexible neon lights.
5. Soft: Flexible LED lamp belt, it can be bent to 8cm in diameter, and can be cut at any scissors, so bend into various texts, graphics, graphics, graphics, graphics, graphics, graphics
6. Delivery and installation: Because it is essentially similar to the ordinary rainbow tube, it is as safe and convenient to transport as the LED rainbow tube. It is equipped with a special card slot. It only needs to be nailed to the card slot before installing. The wire installation is as convenient and reliable.